Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My first day with Brownhead.

Micah is a 3 year old Chocolate Lab. He is a handful. My wife and I love him to death. He is so full of energy and love that a person can not help but to love him in return. Let me give you an example of a day with Micah aka Brownhead ( Mayham).
Last week, my wife and I were just laying at home relaxing, something that Micah does not like to do at all. We both fell a sleep only to be awakened by a wet nose to the face. Next, I was chasing Micah all over the house because he went in my closet, got one of my shoe and started ripping it apart because we did not show him some attention.
The next day, we were washing clothes which is always an adventure. We toke the clothes at of the dryer, placed them on the bed to let the mayham begin. From T- shirts to underwears to sox which were all over the house. It was a mess.